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How to Bleed On It booklet 
How to make decisions, manage projects and navigate life changes using your cycle


As women and people who bleed we have a superpower. When harnessed our menstrual cycles mean that we can be our own editors, mentors, life coaches and cheerleaders. If we remain unconscious of this power we can easily become our own worst enemies and live in a place of doubt and insecurity, never feeling that we're meeting our full potential.


Each phase of our cycle ushers in a potent blend of different hormones which affect us mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Each phase brings with it a different attitude, outlook and set of skills. This is our power. When we consciously surrender to each phase as it arrives and notice how we change, we are gifted the opportunity for each of these versions of ourselves to have a say and guide our decisions and actions.


Download this booklet to learn how.

With journal pages at the back to guide you through the process.


This booklet and others are available for free to Flow tier (and above) members of my Patreon community: Wild Woman Club.

How to Bleed On It

  • Available as a 17 page printable PDF workbook

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