Online Class Guidance

My insurance says I need to have a consultation with you if I've not taught you before (this can be email/phone)
Please download, fill in and return the health form (digital is great, no need to print/scan)
I also sadly can’t teach yoga to anyone in the US or Canada (if you're a friend just promise not to sue me)
Health Form
You will need to complete and return a health form before attending the session. Please try to return it well in advance so I have time to review the details. Thank you!
My online sessions take place using Zoom
Zoom is free and easy to download and simple to use
Please download the software well in advance and test your video/audio to avoid and issues or delays
To make the most of the experience you will want to join from a device that has a microphone, speaker and camera such as a phone, tablet or laptop
If you are able to connect your laptop or phone to an external speaker during the class you will have a much clearer, louder audio feed
This may require changing some of the settings in Zoom audio settings so that it picks up your external speaker
You will need a fairly strong internet connection for the best experience, turn off your video if your signal gets wonky
I will try to be online around 10-15 minutes before the session so that we can troubleshoot and issues but once the session starts I will need to be present with those in the room
Joining the session
Follow the Zoom meeting link you have been emailed
This link will open the Zoom app
When you arrive into the room your mic will be muted for security purposes - feel free to unmute and say hi when you arrive!
There are different view types: 'Speaker View' and 'Gallery View' - speaker view will show you just the person who is speaking or me if I am teaching a yoga class, gallery view will show you everyone - gallery can be good before and after class to catch up with friends and see everyone's faces, speaker view is best during movement practices so you have a clear view
Use the 'pin' option to pin the teacher as the main image during practice and switch to speaker view
Before class please let me know if you're working with any injuries or issues in the chat box or out loud verbally if you prefer
During the yoga class I won't be able to hear you as I use an external mic - so to get my attention type in the chat box or use the 'raise hand' feature and I will see the pop up
Please bear in mind I won't necessarily be able to see everyone during class depending on class numbers so I'll come and loom onto your screen a couple of times just to make sure you're all doing ok
During a women's circle use the 'raise hand' feature to share and I will unmute you
If your connection gets unstable during class you could try turning off your video (I won't be able to see you but you can still see me)
For yoga nidras and meditations it might be useful to have headphones so that you can hear clearly
For a yoga class it might be useful to have your device plugged into or connected to a speaker so that you can increase the volume
Virtual Space Experience
Settling in time - Arrive 5-10 mins early if you can to check everything's working and set up your camera angle/space
Disturbance free - It's not always possible but where you can try to minimise disturbances, turn off other devices
Props - Grab your blankets, pillows, eye cover and props like you would at the studio
Sacred space - Light some candles, burn some incense/oils, brew your favourite tea or hot drink let this be a sacred bit of time just for you
Music - I may share a Spotify playlist with you so that you can create some ambience at home but feel free to play your own music too
Please check in with me before/after class on email or in the private Wild Woman Club Facebook community if you're a Patron! Your feedback means I can keep on making the best of this situation and offering you what you need!
See you online!
Carly x