A Journey Through the Layers of the Heart
I can't 'just be' is there something wrong with me? An alternate view of the holy grail of wellness
Why I do what I do
Emotions as allies
Your Wild Heart
Untethering the mind and drifting into stillness
Part 9 - The Stages of Yoga Nidra: Existential Explorations, Kośas and Bringing It Into Our Everyday
Part 8 - The Stages of Yoga Nidra: Joy, bliss and pure awareness
Part 7 - The Stages of Yoga Nidra: Stage 7 Visualisation
Part 6 - The Stages of Yoga Nidra: Stage 6 Breath Awareness
Part 5 - The Stages of Yoga Nidra: Stage 5 Opposites
Part 4 - The Stages of Yoga Nidra: Stage 4 Rotation of Consciousness
Part 3 - The Stages of Yoga Nidra: Stage 3 Sankalpa
Part 2 - The Stages of Yoga Nidra: Stage 1-2 Preparation and Settling
The magic that is yoga nidra....
Softening to the possibility of the moment
All things are illuminated in the desert...
Body fluid. Mind still.