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Wild Woman Yoga

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I’m Carly and I’m a stay-at-home mama, yoga teacher and rewilding enthusiast.


I blend Well Woman Yoga therapy, cyclical living, women’s circles, restorative yoga and yoga nidra with my love of anthropology, rewilding and natural movement to offer a wild and cyclical practice for women of all ages, life stages and cycle phases. I call it Wild Woman Yoga.

Wild Woman Yoga is a practice of exploring movement that honours and nourishes our wild and cyclical ways.​

  • Playful, spontaneous, fluid, cyclical, rhythmic and self-guided.

  • An invitation to surrender to the flow and be released from expectations of consistency, predictability and infinite resource.

  • A shift from rigid repetition and ambition to fluid spontaneity and contentment.  

  • Encouragement to practice in a way that is fluid and adaptable to the waxing and waning of our needs and nature.

  • A remembering of the freedom that lies beyond form.

A call back home to our wilder selves.


Yoga For The Village

From its very inception, long before becoming a mother myself, Moon Forest Flow has always been about reinstating the village.

Recapturing the feeling of a time when we were surrounded by the wisdom and company of women and girls of all ages, stages and cycle phases.

Here at Moon Forest Flow some of our most memorable and special moments have unfolded when our spaces reflect our wilder communities of times passed.

In the village we would have been surrounded and supported by those of every age from babes in arms to greying silver vixens and everything in between.

Every woman would have had a place and a role regardless of their womb status and choices. The wisdom of nature and women would have been woven into the core of our communities.

In our western world a trend for attending a specialist yoga class for each phase of life and I certainly believe in the value of these spaces but I have also seen first hand how wildly natural it is for us all to gather together.

Our primal senses perceive it as a homecoming to our original way of life. To our hunter-gatherer roots. And we both come alive and deeply relax at the very same time.

Wild Woman Yoga is a space for the whole village and honours the shifting needs of a woman’s womb life through a lifetime. 

Come join us and bring your own flavour of the Feminine to our classes. You are SO welcome! 


Explorations of the Feminine are inherently inclusive and as such open to all including any person who identifies as a woman, any expression or identification of femininity as well as non-binary gender expressions.

 My work is inclusive of but not exclusive to those with wombs and periods. You don't have to have a womb or periods to practice with me or join a circle but if you do I'm here to accommodate that.

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Wild & Cyclical

A women’s yoga practice, for me, is one that honours the cyclical nature of our bodies and lives and as such can be nurturing and replenishing at certain times and fierce, wild and free at others.


Like the lioness we have the capacity to be both gentle, caring nurturers and fierce, fiery protectors, our wildness can be expressed in both a gentle purr and a ferocious roar.


As such my classes fluctuate with the phases of the moon and with the experience of those in the room offering an invitation to stay connected to the seasons and cycles of our bodies and nature through movement, rest and connection.

Some classes are restorative and gentle & others are more dynamic offering the space to explore different approaches for different phases of the cycle & life.


Rewilding our Bodies, Hearts & Minds


At the heart of my Wild Woman Yoga classes is the idea of rewilding:

Taking down fences, reinstating what has been missing and letting nature take its course. Trusting in the unfolding natural processes beyond human management to bring nature back to equilibrium.

Wild Woman Yoga is an invitation to take down the fences of our domestication, reinstate those things that have been missing and release control. Stepping into acceptance and surrender as we let nature take its course led by the wisdom of our intuitive bodies. 

Exploring a shift from the constrained, habitual, repetitive and rigid movements of a domesticated life to the liberated, intuitive, fluid, self-guided movements of a wilder one.

When we connect to autonomy, intuition, boundaries and a wild & cyclical approach in our practice it can support these important qualities in our lives off the mat. 

When we remember the fluid, non-linear, un-managed movements of our wilder ancestry it can help us to break free from using our practice as just another method of keeping our bodies under tight control.

‘The body is like an earth. It is a land unto itself. It is as vulnerable to overbuilding, being carved into parcels, cut off, over mined, and shorn of its power as any landscape. The wilder woman will not be easily swayed by redevelopment schemes. For her, the questions are not how to form but how to feel.’~ Clarissa Pinkola Estés


Your Experience


You are welcome to bring your little ones to class whether babes in arms, toddlers or teens unless I state otherwise (which is rare and usually reserved for classes and events focused on relaxation).

Village Aunties

These classes aren't just for those with children or trying to conceive at the moment or in the future. The village needs those who are birthing other projects and can offer those all important allo-parents to the little ones.


If you have periods this class will offer cycle adaptions and explore practices for the different seasons of the cycle and phases of life (cyclical living isn't only the remit of people with periods).


If you are pregnant you are welcome to join from 14 weeks onwards, let me know when booking and I will offer supportive practices and adaptations. If you want to join sooner please contact me to discuss. 

Post Natal & Lactating

You are welcome to join after 6 weeks or when you are ready to return to movement, let me know when booking and I will offer supportive practices and adaptations. Babies and children are always welcome online and in person. Post-natal includes abortion and pregnancy loss.


This practice is intended to be supportive of all cycle phases and life stages, let me know on booking and I will offer supportive practices and adaptations.

Non-Binary Gender Expressions

Where a class, women's circle or retreat is aimed at women, it is open to all who identify as women without question. 


Explorations of the Feminine are inherently inclusive and as such open to all including any person who identifies as a woman, any expression or identification of femininity as well as non-binary gender expressions.

Well Woman Yoga Therapy

These classes are intended to be open to all who identify as women but can be particularly useful and helpful for:

  • Period pain

  • Endometriosis / adenomyosis

  • PCOS 

  • Fibroids/cysts

  • PMDD 

  • PMS 

  • Anovulatory cycles

  • Missing periods / missed periods

  • Fertility challenges 

  • Trying to conceive

  • Pregnancy

  • Baby loss (including abortion) recovery

  • Post-natal recovery 

  • The transition to peri-menopause 

  • The transition to menopause and beyond

  • Those without menstrual cycles and/or uterus but a desire to connect to Femininity and/or cyclical living (whether born without, no longer or never having had or transwomen) 

  • Anxiety/depression/mental health challenges

  • Stress/burnout 

  • This list is not exhaustive but just to highlight some of the main experiences

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